May 26, 1954

n THE Herald reported: ''If the question whether MPs should receive a #500 increase in salary had been left to Scottish MPs to decide, the decision in its favour would have been even more emphatic than it was. Of the Scottish MPs who voted, 67% supported the increase. Taking the House as a whole, the proportion in favour was just under 63%.

''The division lists published today also show that only 46 of Scotland's 71 MPs chose to vote on the subject at all. Many of the others may have had excellent reasons for staying away, but it is prob-able that some of them abstained because they preferred not to be associated with the decision.''

n THE Herald reported from Edinburgh:

''There was an innovation yesterday at the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland when the president of the Woman's Guild presented her annual report. She was Mrs E D Jarvis, wife of the Moderator. Dr Jarvis was in the chair and the Leader of the assembly, the Very Rev Dr W White Anderson, drew attention to the fact that for the first time in their history a Moderator had the distinction of welcoming his wife.''

n GLASGOW businesswoman Edith Morrison celebrated her 80th birthday. At the age of 17, she left Estonia and founded a clothing firm in Glasgow. It had grown to 250 branches throughout the UK.