n AS SCOTLAND recovered from the General Strike, The Herald reported: ''The ordinary passenger steamer service from Glasgow and Greenock to the various holiday resorts on the Clyde coast has been greatly restricted owing to the necessity for conserving the available coal supplies. A number of special trips have had to be cancelled or indefinitely postponed.

''The most notable of these was the series of 12 excursions which Glasgow Corporation had arranged to Ardgoil estate for deserving mothers and children and aged men and women.''

n THE Herald also reported: ''The mining areas of Lanarkshire provide incontestable evidence in the shape of a parochial relief roll of nearly 60,000 spread over five parishes that a large proportion of the miners in Scotland have entered upon the present struggle with practically no financial reserves.

''A vigorous spirit of self-help, under the worst conditions, has been responsible for the organisation, particularly in North Ayrshire, of communal kitchens to provide rations of soup and bread out of slender resources. But these union funds are rapidly reaching the point of exhaustion.''

n UNEMPLOYMENT in Paisley stood at 7320 - compared with 5608 in May 1925. ''An increase in the poor rates would appear to be inevitable.''

n SCOTS were invited to invest in the State Bank of the USSR: ''Over 400 branches, Head Office, Moscow.''