WORKERS at the naval warship builder Yarrow yesterday celebrated the launch of the latest Clyde-built frigate and expressed quiet optimism that they can continue to win contracts to ensure the yard's long term future, writes Aine Harrington.

More than 5000 employees and their families watched as Princess Alexandra sent HMS Kent down the slipway into the Clyde to the strains of Rule Britannia. Also present were over 200 dignitaries, including Scottish Secretary Donald Dewar and Admiral Sir Jock Slater, the First Sea Lord.

HMS Kent is the tenth type 23 class frigate to be launched at the yard, and the twelfth ship of the name to serve in the Royal Navy.

In 1996, Yarrow won the #400m contract for three new Royal Navy frigates. HMS Kent is the first and the yard is working on her sister ships, Portland and St Albans, which will keep it busy until 2001.

Work starts next spring on three patrol vessels for the Royal Brunei Navy.