THE first of Loch Garten ospreys' eggs have hatched into bitterly cold and wet weather. Now bird experts at the Highland RSPB reserve are hoping that the unseasonal cold snap will end before the other two eggs hatch at the end of this week.

At present the new arrival is being sheltered by its parents as they sit on the remaining two eggs. But when they all hatch, the parents will be off the nest hunting for fish for their new brood, leaving the youngsters vulnerable to the weather.

RSPB warden Richard Thaxton said yesterday: ''They are more at risk from wet weather when they are newly hatched and they don't have waterproof feathers. But they are quite hardy and hopefully the weather will improve.

''This hatching is particularly pleasing in light of the recent raid and theft of ospreys' eggs from a nest not far away at Aviemore.''