A HISTORIC battle society last night denied its members had gone to war with a Scottish village over concerns that not enough beer will be on tap before or after performances.

The Sealed Knot Society, ably supported by visitors attracted to its re-enactments, last year literally drank the town of Kirkcudbright dry, causing consternation and upset. Alarm bells are now ringing because a return visit to Dumfries and Galloway has been scheduled for July.

The society expects at least 1000 members will set up camp in Sanquhar, which has a population of just 2000. Some 6000 visitors are also expected for up to four days' holiday.

It is understood that many society members are insisting they be allowed to bring their own drink and to set up their own bars during the stay.

However, a Sanquhar publican was adamant that there is ''no chance'' of a repeat of the alcohol shortages faced in Kirkcudbright.

Crown Inn proprietor Duncan Paterson said: ''The society was working with farmers last year, now it is working with miners. We'll make sure there is enough drink.''

Mr Paterson has already ordered an extra 100 kegs, each containing 11 gallons of beer. Should normal stock, and those 8800 additional pints be consumed, another lorry load will be just a telephone call away.

Other Sanquhar hostelries, including two hotels and three clubs, are expected to bolster stocks. However, doubts remain and the event organisers and society will meet tonight to thrash out concerns there will not be enough beer to go around.