SCOTTISH Arts Council chairman Magnus Linklater yesterday called for a department of culture in the new Scottish Parliament, even if this proved a death warrant for the council as it stood at present.

In its proposal to the

all-party steering group, the SAC advocates a Minister for Culture, with a budget to ensure that arts and cultural activities play a strong and invigorating role across other Government departments.

''We see this as an enormous opportunity,'' Mr Linklater said. ''I cannot emphasise too strongly how great the contribution culture could have in the new Scotland if it is given its place in the new structure.''

He said culture impacted enormously on the economy, health, social exclusion, urban regeneration, tourism and rural development, but that role was not fully recognised at present. The parliament should have its own committee to liaise with cultural agencies, respond to the public, and also make use of external expertise.

Asked if in submitting such a proposal the SAC was not writing its own suicide note, Mr Linklater replied that its role would certainly change. ''It might become a smaller body,'' he said.

''Our interest is in the enhancement of the arts in Scotland. It is not in the preservation of the arts council, come hell or high water. There is no magic about our structure.''

However, he said there would always be a need for a body with expertise and close contact with arts organisations acting at arm's length from the Government. ''My own view is that we might have an enhanced role,'' he added.

oThe SAC yesterday announced a further12 National Lottery grants, taking the total distributed since 1995 to #100m.