Scotland's new Edinburgh-based professional team could play their first competitive matches in Glasgow, at the City of Glasgow International Tournament on August 29 and 30.

With the season due to tip off in early September, getting quality warm-up games will be a priority for the new side, who, after months of rumour, speculation and several false starts, will be launched next Wednesday at the capital's new sports cafe.

The first news from the side could be the decision on their name with Edinburgh Chieftains, Edinburgh Picts and Edinburgh Rock among the favourites.

The new group face a frantic race to get their act together and interviews have already been held for the all-important post of coach. However, first choice Nick Nurse, the American who guided Birmingham Bullets two seasons ago, has been signed up by Manchester Giants. The man sacked by Manchester at the end of last season, Jimmy Brandon, who steered Sheffield Sharks to the Bud title in their first season, is one of many interested in the job.

''There's been fantastic interest in the position,'' said project manager Ian Reid. ''We've had enquiries from all over the world.''

Whoever the new coach is they face a huge task in putting together a credible side in the time available, with pre-season training starting at many clubs in the next month.

The number of work permits for foreign players per Bud League team is being reduced from four to three but that still means extensive scouting and recruiting to come up with the right blend, not to mention finding Scottish, British or Bosman players to fill the bench.

Most Americans in Europe have gone home for the summer but the new coach will be besieged with offers from agents with the names of stacks of unknowns on their books who could, however, be match-winners.

Ideally, potential signings will need to be seen first but do the club have time? Much of the delay has been caused by problems in securing the venue and, although a full legal agreement is not yet in place, it is believed that there is a working arrangement to guarantee the use of Meadowbank.