FACTIONAL warfare seems set to resume in Glasgow's strife-torn Labour group next week when a long-awaited annual general meeting will see Councillor Jean McFadden being challenged for the group convenership by a staunch supporter of her arch enemy, Lord Provost Pat Lally.

Councillor William Harley, who gave evidence for the Lord Provost in last week's Court of Session hearing, aimed at stopping the City Council removing him from office, will expect solid support from the Lally camp, although it


not be sufficient to unseat the formidable Mrs McFadden.

Next Monday's AGM of the group has been delayed for more than a year because


the unprecedented civic turmoil that erupted in February when former group leader Councillor Robert Gould claimed that some Labour members were prepared to trade political support for council trips.

It will be a unique AGM, since the two leadership positions are not up for grabs. The Labour Party insisted that group leader Frank McAveety and depute leader Charles Gordon should have their positions secured until next May, in the interest of group stability.

It is understood that both Mr McAveety and Mr Gordon were contemplating standing for the convenership and vice-convenership of the group, but were


by the Labour Party it was against party rules for the leader and depute leader to stand for such positions, although North Lanarkshire Council's ruling Labour group has got away with it.

Nominated for vice-convenership are the confirmed Lally supporter, Bailie


Mutter, and Councillor Archie Simpson, who has always been in the McFadden camp.

However, it is understood that the Scottish Labour Party may order that there should be no vice-convener, so as to block Mr Mutter.

Group secretary Councillor Des McNulty is being challenged by Councillors


Roberton and Bill Butler, while the chief whip's post is being contested by Lally supporter Councillor Madge O'Neill, and Councillor Charles McCafferty, who was once very close to Mrs McFadden.

The job of junior whip is being contested by Lally supporter Councillor Christine Devine, Councillor Alistair Watson, and veteran councillor Gerald McGrath.

Mr Gould is seeking a place on the 17-strong group executive along with 28 others, including Depute Lord Provost Bailie Alex Mosson.