I AM not alone in the reaction to the report on your front page (May 28). I would never recommend teacher training to anybody as the end result is a large student debt and no job. Each year the colleges turn out new teachers who then join the dole queue. Only the lucky ones get short-term, temporary contracts. The rest exist, if lucky, on a day or two per week, in different schools, called at short notice and often not in their subject.

Parents are not really aware of what is happening to their kids, especially in secondary schools.

As a supply teacher who returned to teaching five years ago after having a family, I have still not secured a permanent post. I have had many short-term contracts and individual days at many schools, rarely building up a relationship with pupils. Not very rewarding.

Who could recommend this as a career, especially when you bear in mind a #14,000 starting salary? The most important problem in teaching at the moment is lack of permanent posts either full or part-time. The salary issue is the final nail in the coffin of an under-resourced profession which receives respect from nobody and is blamed for all society's ills.

Fiona Murray,

30 Craigenbay Road, Lenzie. May 29.