Plans to set up a drug detoxification unit in an Aberdeen housing estate have split residents, writes Graeme Smith.

More than 100 have signed a petition backing the move by Mission East Trust of Aberdeen to take over a block of flats in the Logie area and ''offer men and women the opportunity to lead new, Godly, drug-free lives''. However, there is strong opposition.

In a letter to the council's housing department, the Rev Greg Dixon says the trust, which is supported by the Elim Pentecostal Church, has spoken to most of the households in the immediate location about their intention to set up the drug detoxification unit. He said the building would be drug-free.

He added: ''The methods we propose are tried, tested and proved in one of the most severe drug abuse cities of the world, namely Hong Kong.''

However, when the housing committee meets next week it will have a letter of opposition from the Logie Manor Tenants' Association which says that those who signed the petition represent only 5% of the community.

It says that if the unit goes ahead it will add to the perception by outsiders that Logie is an area of low status and will discourage families from moving there.

''We are aware of several families who have indicated they will move if this allocation is successful,'' said spokesman Paul Calder.

''The inclusion of such a unit will convince local residents that this estate has been selected as a social dumping ground - after all it would be unlikely to have been given the same consideration had it been suggested for Cults or any similar well-heeled area.''