Your latest editorial comment on Dounreay should be reprinted in large, easily read type, and posted to every Government Minister in the land. It should be of particular interest to Brian ''we should be proud of this facility'' Wilson. It was an oasis of common sense in a desert of Government-inspired stupidity.

I listened in despair to Tony Blair defending the record of mismanagement, incompetence, and the cavalier disregard for public opinion which categorises both the running of the plant and the handling of this (and almost every other) matter by his Scottish team.

His petulant, foot-stamping tirade at Alex Salmond would have been funny had it not been so pathetic.

But we all know that this is a Prime Minister concerned more with his appearances on the Des O'Connor Show than his accountability to the electorate.

Salmond was absolutely right to highlight the real danger that this weapons-grade material could have fallen into the wrong hands.

Far from attempting to scare the Scottish people, he was, I suspect, merely articulating the thoughts of many of us who now realise that the management team at the plant does not have a clue what is happening within it. The real horror of the situation is that, by extension, neither does the Government.

Stuart Morrison,

2467 Dumbarton Road,


June 4.


SO Labour is now SNP-bashing on the Internet. Practice for when they are in opposition in the Scottish Parliament? I hope so!

Carol Puthucheary,

10 Carruth Road,

Bridge of Weir,


June 3.