THE Scottish people are to be consulted for the first time over a new set of stamps to be issued by the Post Office next year to mark the dawn of the Scottish Parliament.

The move was announced in Edinburgh yesterday by Post Office chief executive John Roberts, who said: ''The Parliament is a historic occasion for Scotland and the Post Office wanted to offer a fitting commemoration. What more appropriate than stamps whose themes are chosen by members of the Scottish public?''

Mr John Ward, chairman of the Scottish Post Office Board, said the wish to involve the people of Scotland in helping to select themes for the stamps was in keeping with the spirit of the Parliament.

Themes for the stamps will be chosen after a public television debate in the autumn when viewers can nominate their favoured theme by contacting the BBC or Scottish Post Office headquarters.

The collection will be previewed in Edinburgh before going on sale across Scotland.

The process will be repeated for a second set when the new Parliament building at Holyrood opens the new millennium.