TOMMY Docherty has said that no club would now touch Andy Goram with a barge-pole. The former Scotland manager regarded Goram as a friend while the keeper was at Oldham. However, he is outraged at Goram's behaviour of pulling out the Scotland squad.

''I am astonished that Andy could do this - he's wrecked his career,'' said Docherty. ''Anyone who refuses to play for his country is disgraceful and walking out just before probably the biggest game we will play is just not on.

''I got to know Andy well when he was at Oldham - in fact, I used to badger Graeme Souness to sign him for Rangers. How-ever, what manager would seriously want to sign him with a CV like his? What's he thinking of with his contract at Ibrox now expired?

''The lad has obviously got a serious attitude problem and if he doesn't sort it out, he simply won't have a future anywhere.''