A CLOUD will hang over the nine-day Prutour race today after a police motor cycle out-rider was killed in an accident with a private car on the 129 mile fifth stage from Birmingham to Cardiff yesterday.

The race had travelled about 35 miles with Max Nielsen of Denmark and Silvio Caviglia of Italy having built up a lead of 3mins 10 secs over the main group when the accident happened.

As news of the seriousness of the incident reached the pack, including race leader Stuart O'Grady of Australia, Chris Boardman in second spot and Dariusz Baranowski of the US Postal team, there was a feeling of numbness. It was decided after consultations with police and the race organisers, Sport for Television, that the stage, which was likely to have been the decider before the finish in London on Sunday, would be abandoned.

Chris Boardman made a statement on behalf of the riders saying: ''We are devastated by the tragedy and want to convey our condolences to the family of the policeman.

''Any sport where speed is involved carries an element of risk. There will be a two-minute silence before Friday's stage.''

As today's leg rolls out on its 91 mile route from Bristol to Reading some of the riders, like Slava Ekimov of Russia will be reminded of the1995 Tour de France, when the 25-year-old Italian Fabio Casartelli, was killed on a downhill descent.