THE report today that 88% of those polled in Pakistan felt there was a modest to high risk of a war with India is frightening. For years we have been told that nuclear weapons are ''a deterrent'' and they will never be used. Now in South Asia we are faced with the real prospect of a nuclear conflict.

Tony Blair and Robin Cook want Britain to remain a member of the nuclear club. So long as this is the case, any criticism of India and Pakistan from our Government is hollow. The way forward must be for the old nuclear powers to turn their backs on the madness of the 1950s and relinquish their weapons of mass destruction.

In Scotland we are in a very significant position. All British nuclear weapons are now based at Faslane on the Clyde. If Trident were forced out of Scotland it would not be relocated in Cornwall, it would be scrapped.

Today India and Pakistan are following Britain's lead and starting a nuclear arms race. We can set a better example - by showing the world what we will not tolerate these dreadful weapons on our land or in our waters.

John Ainslie,

Administrator, Scottish CND,

15 Barrland Street, Glasgow.

May 28.