WHILE it has taken an inordinate time for the planning application for the planning application for the proposed superquarry at Lingerbay in Harris to be determined some of the criticism of Miss Pain, the Chief Reporter (now retired), is very unfair. The length of the public inquiry was to a large extent determined by the actions and attitudes of two of the main protagonists. These are the Western Isles Island Council and Scottish Natural Heritage who are now reported as complaining about the Part 1 Report.

Mr Stewart, the Chief Executive of WIIC, is criticising Miss Pain for giving findings of fact in Part 1. Presumably Mr Stewart has read the Guidance for Participants at the Inquiry? Well, it states very clearly in paragraph 6, ''At the end of each topic chapter you will find my Findings of Fact which are derived from the cases as reported. Where there is some conflict relating to the facts, I have indicated my own preference''.

It is also odd to hear it said that the quarry would not assist the economy of South Harris - which is in dire straits.

Michael Taylor,

The Garden Cottage,

Ruchlaw, Stenton, Dunbar. May 26.