
Camanachd Association officials breathed a sigh of relief on Saturday when Kilmallie and Inveraray did them a favour, winning their league matches, thus avoiding the need for multiple play-offs which would have extended an already over-stretched season by weeks.

Inveraray turned their match against Glenorchy at Dalmally on its head and ensured that they will play Premier league shinty next season. Glenorchy led 2-0 after half an hour, but inexplicably collapsed. Within 13 minutes of the restart they were a goal in arrears and Inveraray went on to win 5-2.

Their victory ensured that Glenurquhart also avoided a three-way play-off with Saturday's combatants. Inveraray will start next season with massive problems as their indiscipline again cost them dear. Defender Scott Robertson was sent off in the final minute after fisticuffs with the home team's Des McNulty.

Kilmallie now meet Tayforth for the right to replace Glenorchy in the premier. Kilmallie, who had to win on Saturday at home to Lochcarron to secure the north Division One Championship, led by a single goal from John Stewart at half-time. David MacKenzie equalised, but Stephen Jamieson netted the winner with 20 minutes to go.

Their single-goal victory was enough to thwart Caberfeidh, who would have been level with Kilmallie or may have snatched the title, had the result gone any other way. Kilmallie are now favourites for the step-up as they have the advantage of home tie in the first of the play-offs, which is due on June 27. The second tie is due at Caol a week later and may be a problem for Tayforth, who have several players going to France to watch the World Cup. The play-offs cannot be scheduled until then as this Saturday is reserved for the Cup final and the following week is set aside for representative matches.

Oban Camanachd's juvenile team gave their senior squad a boost prior to Saturday's Camanachd Cup final when they won their national championship, defeating Fort William on their own pitch. Jonathon Will and Kevin Weatherspoon gave Oban a half-time lead and when Weatherspoon added a third, there was no way back for Fort. John McGrory gave them a late consolation goal.