THE curtain comes down today for the final time on one of Scotland's best known movie locations, writes John McEachran.

For the workmen are moving in to gut the old George Hotel in Glasgow - where many recent top films and television programmes were shot - and turn it into a showpiece shopping centre.

The crumbling facade and faded grandeur of the famous Glasgow landmark have proved an ideal set for movie makers.

Yesterday owner Peter Fox said: ''I've enjoyed having the film people here.

''I will be sorry to see it go but you can't stand in the way of progress.''

Among the movies which were shot in the George Hotel in the city's Buchanan Street were the international hit Trainspotting which rocketed actor Ewan McGregor to fame.

Billy Connolly and Liam Neeson also graced the George as they filmed The Big Man.

They were attracted by fading decor, one-grand chandeliers, ornate cornicing and a museum-piece lift dating back more than 50 years.

Built in 1839 the George is a Grade 2 listed building and was bought by Helical for #5m to become the centrepiece of its #36m shopping development opposite the Royal Concert Hall and the Buchanan Galleries shopping centre.

Director David Eagan promised: ''We are going to retain the exterior of the building and refurbish it back to what it once was.

''Most of the interior is going to go, but we will keep some things like the fireplaces.''