June 2, 1972

n THE Herald reported: ''The number of strikes in Scotland has risen every month this year, and in May the total was almost three times the figure for January. The position, particularly in the West of Scotland engineering industry is expected to get worse.'' Mr Alex Ferry, Glasgow district secretary of the Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers, said last night: ''Unless employers are more reasonable and realistic in their offers we could be heading for a very turbulent period.''

n MEMBERS of the Workers' Party of Scotland appealed against jail sentences of up to 26 years for a number of bank robberies. Three WPS activists - Ian Doran, William McPherson, and former party chairman Matthew Lygate - claimed the sentences were ''excessive, harsh, and oppressive''. Lord Justice Clerk Grant said he was not concerned with Lygate's political views, but with what he did in furtherance of those views.

n THE Herald also reported: ''Mrs Euphemia Irvine fulfilled her ambition last night when she became the first Church of Scotland woman minister in charge of a parish. ''Mrs Irvine, 47, will be minister to two churches, for she was ordained to the linked charge of Campsie Trinity and Milton of Campsie, Stirlingshire.''

n RACING driver Jackie Stewart pulled out of two races because of a duodenal ulcer.