June 3, 1902

n AS NEWS of the end of the Boer War reached Scotland, The Herald reported widespread celebrations. ''One of the most exciting incidents took place at Allan Glen's School, Glasgow. Yesterday happened to be inspection day at the school, and the pupils - unlike those at other juvenile seats of learning - were not granted a half-holiday to share in the rejoicings.

''This condition of things did not all appeal at all to a band of workmen. To them the day did not appear one for study, and - doubtless with good intentions - they made an effort to emancipate the boys from the thralldom of the classroom. They invaded the playground and demanded that the boys be freed.

''It was explained that, seeing it was inspection day, such a thing was impossible. The mob of patriots withdrew, but speedily returned to the gates of the school. The janitor, who was the guardian of the gates, attempted to keep out the intruders. This they resented.

''They made a determined effort to pass through the gates, but the janitor held his ground.''

n THE town of Annan celebrated with a bowl-ing tournament. At Johnstone police court, all accused persons were discharged to take part in community celebrations.

n THE Herald reported: ''Girvan has suffered severely in the war, at least 10 young men having fallen in battle or died of wounds or fever. The end of the war was hailed by all with quiet thankfulness.''