GRAMPIAN Police Force have started a recruitment drive, writes Graeme Smith.

They have been hindered by high salaries and low unemployment in the area. They are looking for 46 officers and 30 support staff. Current numbers of unpaid special constables are less than half the approved 300.

This week Andrew Brown took over as chief constable from his controversial predecessor, Dr Ian Oliver, and he will open a two-day recruitment fair in Aberdeen on June 11.

Superintendent Graham Ballantyne agreed it was possible that potential recruits had been deterred by adverse publicity, but said: ''We have to work on that. It is part of our exercise to show the public of the North-east at our recruitment fair everything that goes on.''

The force will also be launching a roadshow to areas such as RAF Buchan and RAF Lossiemouth, traditionally strong recruitment areas. Potential recruits should be aged 18 to 40 and they will have to undergo a rigorous selection process if they are to end up as #15,000-a-year probationers. A constable can earn up to #24,400 a year.