A SIGNIFICANTLY improved pay and conditions restructuring deal, including a basic salary of #21,232, is to be put to Scot-Rail's 820 drivers who have thrown out three earlier packages, writes Roy Rogers, Industry Correspondent.

The executive of the drivers' union Aslef yesterday followed the lead of their Scottish negotiators in recommending the package in a ballot to be held over the next few weeks. However, similarly recommended packages have been thrown out, leaving ScotRail as the sole rail operator still to settle.

A separate dispute involving RMT rail maintenance workers worsened yesterday when staff at two firms run by engineering giant Jarvis voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action as part of the union's campaign for a pay rise, improved annual leave and a 35-hour week.

Meanwhile, London Underground faces massive disruption after members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union voted yesterday to take industrial action in a dispute linked to privatisation.