A MUSIC teacher who subjected a young pupil and her elder sister to seven years of sexual abuse was jailed for three years yesterday .

The sentence was the maximum possible under sheriff court rules.

Daniel Stewart, 65, a retired railway linesman who ran a private music school in a bedroom of his council house, was told by Sheriff William Reid that he had ruined the lives of his victims.

Stewart hung his head in the dock at Stirling Sheriff Court as Sheriff Reid added: ''It is clear from psychiatric reports on your victims that they suffered long- term damage and the case involves a breach of trust.

''The frequency and the length of time over which these offences occurred indicates a course of conduct rather than some individual impulse.''

Sheriff Reid ordered Stewart's name to be placed on the paedophile register for an unlimited period, and made him subject to a year's supervised release order - which will mean he is under the control of a social worker after he finishes his sentence.

The offences dated back up to 23 years, but the court was told that Stewart, a Freemason and regular church-goer, still posed a danger to children.

Stewart, who taught the electric organ and the piano-accordion, targeted the younger girl from the age of seven. Beginning in 1975, he abused her as often as three times a week.

For three years between 1974 and 1977 he also abused her elder sister, then aged between nine and 12.

The abuse did not stop until the younger girl turned 14 and was able to exercise ''more independence'', the court was told.

The sisters, now both in their thirties, went to the police last year, after rumours swept Callander that Stewart had been caught exposing himself. They and their parents have now left the town.

Stewart, of Drummond Place, Callander, pled guilty to three charges of lewd and libidinous behaviour, and displaying porn.