DUNDEE United last night described their meeting with the action group calling for major changes at Tannadice as ''a disappointment.''

Three directors of the club held 90-minute talks with a trio of delegates from United for Change, who have asked for a major reshaping of the premier league outfit.

The action group want 12,000 unissued shares in United to be released and new directors appointed to the board - which they believe would bring a change in the financial outlook of the club.

The directors released a statement after the meeting in which they revealed that the main points discussed will be raised at a full board meeting as soon as possible.

But the statement added: ''We are very disappointed that the individuals concerned did not produce specifics in terms of major investors, or new and truly constructive financial ideals.

''We had agreed to this meeting on the understanding that these specifics would be forthcoming. They were not.

''Dundee United will continue to keep all its options open. However, nothing was raised today that has not already been thoroughly considered by the directors and their professional advisers over the last few years

Chairman Jim McLean added: ''Legally, our first duty is to always do what we believe is in the best interests of the club. We cannot do what is best for ourselves, or for supporters, or for a specific 10 or 15 per cent of fans. We must do what is best for the club.

''If they had come up with a good idea we would have been legally obliged to take it on board.

''Some aspects of the meeting were confidential, but in general nothing was raised which hasn't already been considered by us.''

McLean made it clear the club intend to go on pursuing their own agenda. He said: ''Everyone wants change, but it has to be change for the better. We are aware that there must be improvement and the priority of the manager is to improve the playing squad. He has already set out on that course of action.''

United for Change will hold a second supporters' rally next Sunday and Lord Watson of Invergowrie, who led the three-man delegation, expects to be able to put forward a full report at that meeting.

The group are also calling for improved public relations at Tannadice and Lord Watson said: ''The directors did not respond to the three points on our agenda, but said they would do so after a full board meeting and discussions with financial advisers. I would anticipate that would happen before our second rally.

''We did have a full and frank discussion and one point we did agree on was that everyone concerned has the best interests of the club at heart.

''We put across our view very clearly that there had to be changes and answered their questions as fully as we were able to do.

''I would hope that the board accept the need for change, but their reaction will emerge in due course.

''We now have a data base of United fans in excess of 1000 and we will continue to meet supporters' clubs as well as other organisations.''

Lord Watson continued to insist that there are major investors waiting in the wings. He said: ''We were not in a position to name these people. But we did say that if the un-issued shares were to be issued we have no doubt they would be fully taken up by individuals willing to invest considerable sums, as well as supporters willing to contribute smaller amounts.

''We did stress that we are not advocating a public flotation of those shares.

''We believe there are people ready to make significant investment because we are seeing that at other clubs comparable to United. Aberdeen and Hearts have been involved and we believe there have been devlopments at Motherwell in the last few days.''

''We stressed to the board that we did not want to see Dundee United being left short of what we regard as their position in the top six in financial terms.

''We know Celtic and Rangers are on a different level but we have to compete as best we can. We are convinced people will come forward if the opportunity arises.''