SEVERAL of those who were left behind when Scotland went to Fiji took their opportunity to make a case for consideration for the senior side during Saturday's 42-13 win over Victoria.

Experienced tourist Peter Wright spoke for his colleagues when he observed: ''Obviously, the way the Test team played, there are a lot of places up for grabs.''

A British Lion in 1993, Wright found himself among the dirt-trackers by the end of that tour, so is well aware of the need for the second-string players to maintain their motivation, and he felt that was done successfully by those who remained on Queensland's Gold Coast last week.

''It was quite frustrating,'' he admitted, ''but we knew it was a professional tour and the guys who were left behind had a pretty effective bonding session.

''It was particularly frustrating when we heard the score from Fiji, but we knew we had the chance to get things back on course.''

Wright took the chance also to single out flanker Gordon Simpson for the way he had taken his opportunity to respond to those, even among the squad itself, who were unimpressed with his inclusion in the tour party.

''I spoke to him before the game and told him this was a big chance for him to shut those people up,'' he said. ''I thought he did pretty well and a lot of the boys will sit up now and accept that he is a good player.''

At a domestic level Simpson's fellow kilted Kiwi, Glenn Metcalfe, had already achieved that after his fine season at club level and with Scotland A, but in winning the man-of-the-match award he again demonstrated why Glasgow Hawks' decision to move him to full back this season had been so inspired.

However, in a bid to accommodate both him and Derrick Lee, the management may well consider switching him back to the wing, for all that that would reduce his effectiveness, while an experiment with playing Metcalfe at outside centre ahead of the Test might also be worth considering.

''I feel full back's my position now, having played there at club level every game this season,'' he said. ''It gives me the chance to move about, create chances, and score tries myself, which I wasn't really getting the chance to do on the wing. But obviously if the chance came along, I would take a Test place wherever.

''I'm delighted with the way things went. All week what's been on my mind has been playing well, and the tries were the icing on the cake. The pressure has been immense after Fiji, and we knew we had to pull through for the whole squad.

''We could have driven our advantage home a bit more, though, and we all realise we've got a lot to do to carry this on for the rest of the tour.''

q JED-FOREST utility player Kevin Amos will be playing for Gala next season. The prolific scorer decided on the move at the weekend. He is the first to break ranks with Jed after coming up through their coaching nursery.

q SCRUM-half Graeme Cowe is the players' choice to captain Kelso next season. Cowe is currently playing for the Warringhah club in Sydney, Australia. He led Kelso two weeks ago to win the Jed Sevens Cup for the fourth time and plans to be back home in time for the Kelso Sevens on August 15.