IN the 1960s the City Fathers had a vision of a ring road round Glasgow; there were to be two river crossings, the Kingston Bridge and another near High Street. Admittedly the proposals were then somewhat insensitive to the historical portions of the city, but none the less the vision was ''bold''.

The east and south flanks of the ring road were eventually cancelled, and that lack of vision has created huge losses in time and money for those who wished to come into Glasgow by car or needed to traverse the city.

The M74 extension has been more carefully considered, but today's news that the link to the Kingston Bridge has been scrapped is bad news. That link is required to form a proper ring road which will speed up traffic around the city, relieve the pressure of traffic in the city, and provide an alternative route for traffic at times of football matches, pop concerts, and essential maintenance.

James G Cuthbertson,

4 Newton Place, Glasgow.

May 29.