SCARGILLITE Dave Rix has been confirmed as the next general secretary of the train drivers' union Aslef and will succeed the ousted Lew Adams from next January 10, writes Roy Rogers, Industry Correspondent.

Ratification by the union executive indicates there will be no challenge, legal or otherwise, to the shock result which saw Leeds train driver Rix, 35, defeat ''old'' Labour stalwart Adams by 4558 votes to 3357.

It seems that complaints that Rix, a member of Arthur Scargill's Socialist Labour Party, had been seen electioneering round the country while on three months' paid sick leave from his job with Regional Railways North East, and that there had been a flurry of unofficial circulars attacking Mr Adams during the election, were not considered sufficient grounds for challenging the outcome.

Meanwhile, rail and London tube travellers face possible disruption in the coming weeks from separate disputes over pay, working conditions and privatisation.

Today, the RMT is expected to reveal whether thousands of London tube workers are in favour of taking action in a dispute over job protection and conditions of service in the event of parts of the system being privatised. The union's executive could set dates for strikes which would badly disrupt the Underground network.

The RMT is also due to announce results from ballots of maintenance workers employed by several private companies in a dispute over pay and hours.