The master plan ws drawn up eight years ago and the final phase is due for completion at the end of next year. Deedee Cuddihy looks to East Kilbride as an example of good planning

IT'S been described as one of the most successful private housing developments of recent times, the one against which many others are measured.

Due for completion in 1999, Stewartfield in East Kilbride was launched eight years ago, designed to an exacting master plan drawn up by the development corporation which until the mid nineties, ran what had been known as East Kilbride New Town.

East Kilbride is often regarded as Scotland's most successful new town and, explains Scott Davidson of South Lanarkshire Council, was designed as a phase one new town, like Milton Keynes in England.

Launched in the early 1950s, East Kilbride is 10 years older than Cumbernauld and most of its early residents came from the Gorbals and the East End of Glasgow.

''More than 40 years on, the population has swelled to 70,000 people, many of them second and third generation East Kilbriders,'' says Davidson. ''Given the increasing affluence here in that time -70% of houses are now owner occupied - and the superb location, design and amenities, it's not surprising that 50% of the people who have bought houses there come from East Kilbride.''

A total of 1800 houses by many of the major companies including Tilbury Douglas, Beazer, Lynch, and Bryant, will have been built in Stewartfield when the development is completed next year, the last properties being constructed by Redrow Homes on their Kittoch Muir site, where their attractive Scottish style designs have already won awards.

Local estate agent Iain Waugh, who was brought up in East Kilbride and is manager of Countrywide's office there, said: ''After the village itself, Stewartfield is the most sought after area in East Kilbride. With the new build virtually complete there, the second-hand market is starting to pick up and the really attractive luxury properties can now go for as much as #155,000 to #166,000.

''But local authority properties do very well in East Kilbride, too,'' he added. ''I think there's a certain snob value attached to the fact that they're 'ex-development corporation' houses rather than 'ex-council' ones but they're nice looking, good sized family homes with current prices around #55,000 to #60,000.

''However, we recently marketed a three-bedroom, end-terraced house on a corner site with a big garden, double glazing, new kitchen, etc. at offers over #68,000 and it eventually sold for #76,000.

''The vendors were very happy with the price and will probably be moving to Stewartfield.''