MARIE Jo McCrossan and her family reckon that the Lanarkshire-based developer, Wilson Home Builders should start advertising themselves as the company who likes to say ''no problem''. Because when the McCrossans approached Wilson - after being turned down by four bigger competitors - that's just what they were told.

Former social worker and mother-of-five, Marie Jo explains: ''We come from Motherwell and after several years living elsewhere in Lanarkshire, we decided to return to the 'metropolis' and look for a new house that would suit, not just my husband, me and our children but my sister, Martha, who has severe rheumatoid arthritis.''

To maintain as much independence as possible, Martha - a former championship level badminton player - wanted a large double bedroom and a bigger than average ensuite shower room, separate from the rest of the family and at ground level.

''Not wanting to be in debt for the rest of our lives, we decided to look for a three- bedroom house with an integral garage that could be converted for Martha, with the conversion work carried out by the house builder before we moved in,'' said Marie Jo.

However, the first four developers were not willing to accommodate the family. Each offered to sell them a three-bedroom house with an integral garage - but would leave the family to do the conversion work.

''A number of people had said how impressed they were with Wilson Homes. So we decided to visit their Calder View site. We really liked it.

''We were amazed and delighted when the sales negotiator immediately responded 'no problem'. In fact, that was the response to every modification we asked about, including a ramp up to the front door,'' said Marie Jo.

''We moved in at the beginning of April with no delays and no problems. The after sales attention has also been excellent and we're all delighted with our new home. My husband and I have our own ensuite and the children sneak in and use Martha's shower when she's not there because it's so roomy.''

''In circumstances like these, we have to work closely with the local planning departments to ensure our specifications meet the required building regulations,'' said David Murray, sales director of Wilson Home Builders. ''But we are happy to help and co-operate with customers such as Mrs McCrossan who have special requirements.''