I WOULD just like to point out that as the Councillor for the Anderston Ward in Glasgow, I have a duty and responsibility to put forward the views of my constituents who make up the School Board of Woodside Secondary School. The parents, staff, and pupils have the right to expect their views to be made known and listened to.

Everyone involved at Woodside including myself want all the facts to be made known regarding the best educational provision for the pupils not only of Woodside Secondary but throughout Glasgow.

Therefore in the interests of everyone, including all concerned at Hillhead High School, all the factors must be considered. To ignore the views of the parents, pupils, and staff of Woodside Secondary would have been undemocratic and a denial of their rights.

I will fight for their rights to be heard; my constituents expect nothing less.

Bailie Alex Mosson,

Glasgow City Council,

George Square, Glasgow.

June 3.