SMALLER companies in the Scottish textile industry have been feeling the pressure for months according to the Scottish Knitwear Association, which says that since March two firms in Kilmarnock and one in Ayr have closed resulting in hundreds of job losses, writes Valerie Hannah.

Ling Textiles, Caledonian CMT and Glentrool Knitwear folded three months ago, and membership of the association has fallen from a high of 40 to just eight.

Secretary Roy Hepburn yesterday blamed the strong pound and cheap exports, but said the Government was not prepared to help.

''The demise of the textile industry started in the West of Scotland three or four months ago. We took this up with senior Government people but were told that we were a minority industry and there was nothing they could do,'' he said.

Last week, the Sweater Shop called in receivers and textile companies Dawson International, Edward Macbean & Company and Grampian Brands faced substantial job cuts.

Mr Hepburn said: ''It is only now when the larger companies are feeling the wind of change that the matter is being brought to public attention.

''Nobody seemed to think the competition from abroad was anything to worry about, but that was the main problem.''

Cheap foreign imports and changing tastes in fashion are being put forward as reasons for the textile industry's problems. These are compounded by the fact that the industry has never operated on large margins.