ONE of the most significant developments for human rights that the world has seen for half a century is taking place almost unnoticed.

Within the next two weeks the world's governments are due to meet in Rome to set up the International Criminal Court. This court would have the power to punish individual perpetrators of crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes and it has the support of many respected organisations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Oxfam.

I am urging your readers to write immediately to the Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, and Secretary of State Donald Dewar, requesting the Government to take a lead at the Rome meeting to ensure not only that the court is set up but also that it has the necessary powers of independence so that it can operate effectively.

All decent-minded people have been appalled at recent atrocities in, for example, Bosnia, Rwanda, and many other places. Some of these horrible acts have been committed because the perpetrators knew that there was nothing to stop them. A proper International Criminal Court would make some of those people think twice.

Graeme Pagan,

Neaveton, Rowan Road, Oban. June 3.