THE leading member of the controversial consortium which now owns the Knoydart Estate, Stephen Hinchliffe, has agreed to meet the community-led Knoydart Foundation and has not ruled out negotiating with it for the sale of the estate, writes David Ross, Highland Correspondent.

The development follows the intervention of local MP David Stewart. He tracked down Mr Hinchliffe in Portugal and told him of the strength of opposition to the new ownership within the community.

Mr Stewart said yesterday: ''I welcome Mr Hinchliffe's agreement to have a public meeting with the residents of Knoydart. This is a make or break meeting for the new owners, and I hope it will have a constructive outcome.

''Mr Hinchliffe has told me he would not rule out negotiating a sale of the estate to the Knoydart Foundation, but would require certain conditions to be met.''

It is understood Mr Hinchliffe may now be prepared to accept less than the #2.5m he originally quoted local residents for the estate, which is reported to have debts of #1.4m.

The Foundation had a bid of #800,000 rejected last year. A worldwide appeal for #1m was subsequently launched and currently has commitments of almost #400,000.