I read Bruce McKain's report (May 28) of the appearance of Glasgow's Lord Provost, Pat Lally, at the Court of Session on Wednesday. I noted that the QC employed by Glasgow City Council questioned Mr Lally's annual allowance of #18,000 per year. Since I know that Mr Lally represents Glasgow seven days a week, I make that less than #50 a day.

Would whatever Labour Party numbskull from Glasgow City Council, who employed the QC, please advise Glasgow Council tax-payers the daily rate being paid to counsel? What is the total cost to date of this stupidity? Council tax-payers have a right to know.

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to attending the Scottish Conservative Party Conference at the Armadillo in Glasgow next week - the Civic Reception will be hosted by Lord Provost Lally who welcomes people to Glasgow and has always thought of the city first.

I sincerely hope that those in the Labour Party who are conducting their vendetta against the Lord Provost do not show their faces on that occasion.

Gilmour W Parvin,


Scottish Tory Reform Group,

26 Cramond Avenue,


May 28.

YOUR story today about a missing #4m in North Lanarkshire's accounts caused me to imagine a planet in another solar system with the most alien practices.

The creatures who won office take services from their own authorities - but many do not themselves have to pay.

Their subjects are charged premiums for the services provided - subsidising the rulers.

Trips to other planets for Intergalactic Games are a further perk for the rulers.

A huge new black hole has also appeared down which further millions of currency units, belonging to the servile subjects, have vanished.

Is this a nightmare from deep space? Or is it just another X-file from New Labour's North Lanarkshire - the folks who brought you Monklandsgate?

Arthur J A Bell,

Culter House, Coulter,


May 28.