I NOTED with some interest your small piece on the ''half-day request'', referring to a proposal that members of one of Glasgow Council's unions take a half-day on June 10.

Has anyone asked what our dear councillors will be doing on that day, and at what cost? Leaving aside the ones with ''official'' visits to Paris, and those with ''official'' meetings to attend, how many will actually clock on for the day, never mind the afternoon?

Let's be realistic - few employers in Glasgow (or Scotland) can seriously expect their staff - whether interested in football or not - to be fully committed to work when the national team strides out on to the pitch in Paris to face the best team in the world. There's pride at stake here, after all.

For my part, all my employees and staff have been given the day off, just as long as they are fit for work on June 11. Come to think of it, it was hard work persuading them it wasn't a joke!

Andrew Waugh,

A K Waugh Ltd,

49 Dalsetter Avenue,

Glasgow. May 27.