THE Edinburgh International Conference Centre lost nearly #4m during its first full year of trading, depriving shareholders of their yearly dividend, it was revealed yesterday.

But the centre's chief executive, Hans Rissmann, insisted that the scale of the loss and the failure of the limited company to pay the dividends was expected by everyone involved in the company.

The loss for the year to the end of March 1997 amounted to #3,954,654.

But from January to December 1997, the company lost just #1.4m before depreciation, and Les Florence, the EICC's financial controller, predicted that in the ''short to medium-term'' the company would break even and would gradually start to make a profit.

''This was our first full year of operation,'' he said. ''The best businesses lose money in their first year so we were all expecting it - it is in line with our budgetary predictions.''

The EICC is a limited company shored up by investments from its single shareholder, Edinburgh City Council, which last year ploughed more funding into the conference centre - which received #1.3m - than it did into the tourist board - which had just #1m injected.

The conference centre attracted about #12.5m of investment in the city between April 1996, and March 1997, and is expected to generate more than #16m this year.