It's time for action if you want to see your colours flying

timely tasks

l Now is a good time to treat problem weeds in the lawn, such as the lesser yellow trefoil, with a suitable selective lawn weedkiller

l Don't forget to shade the greenhouse this month using proprietary paint on materials, netting or blinds

l Grapevines need to be kept in check. Remove tendrils and tie in new shoots, as well as stopping laterals two-leaves beyond a young bunch of grapes. And, as sub-laterals

start to grow, pinch these

back to one leaf


swedish ivy

If you want an easy and attractive houseplant to grow in a hanging basket, why not choose the popular Swedish ivy, Plectranthus australis? Belonging to the Labiatae family, it has distinctive square stems which are soft, succulent and tinged pink. The pointed, oval leaves are a lovely glossy green with shallow, scalloped margins. Occasionally, it produces small lilac flowers that are fairly insignificant and if you wish they can be readily removed.

It is quite fast-growing, with stems readily reaching around 3 feet (900mm). To encourage a nice bushy habit the growing tips should be regularly pinched out. This particular species will tolerate some shade, but given good light and avoiding direct sunlight will help prevent legginess of the stems, with nice short gaps between the leaves. It also tolerates dry conditions, although it will benefit from the occasional misting. It needs to be regularly watered in the active season, making sure the compost is always moist but not waterlogged. In the winter water can be significantly reduced, but you must not allow the compost to completely dry out.

Feed once a fortnight from spring right through until the autumn. A temperature of 16oC to 21oC (60-70oF) suits ideally in the summer; during its winter rest cooler conditions are preferred, with a minimum of 10oC (50oF). With age these plants tend to become less attractive and are best replaced annually or every couple of years. Tip cuttings taken almost any time of the year will readily root and three or four-rooted cuttings placed into a hanging basket will soon develop into a delightful specimen.