aA ''table of death'' theory at a church lunch was investigated by a team fighting the E-coli food poisoning epidemic.

It was believed eight elderly lunch guests sitting at the same table died after eating E-coli 0157-contamined steak pie supplied by butcher John M Barr & Son.

But detailed inquiries and a table plan scotched the theory at the Wishaw lunch, the fatal accident inquiry into 21 E-coli deaths was told yesterday.

Dr Martin Donaghy, Lanarkshire Health Board's epidemiologist, said eight elderly guests who had all eaten steak pie died as a result of E-coli food poisoning after the lunch last November 17.

It had been very difficult to find out exactly where all 74 guests and 13 helpers sat for the meal. In all, 45 people were affected.

Gravy left over was tested and found to be contaminated.

Dr Donaghy urged changes in food laws to enable environmental health officers to more easily close premises suspected as a source of food poisoning.

The inquiry continues.