
AUSTRALIAN Stuart O'Grady completed a magnificent week of racing in the nine-day Prutour race when he clinched victory yesterday.

Fellow-Aussie Jay Sweet won the final stage in a 40mph sprint finish.

The pair, from Adelaide, could have been excused for breaking into a few bars of Waltzing Matilda.

Each man won two stages in Britain's biggest event which attracted more than a million spectators.

National rider David McKenzie came second to Sweet.

Frenchman Andre Korff, riding for Festina, was third and Britain's Chris Lillywhite fourth.

Chris Boardman was eighth and all finished in the same time as winner O'Grady, 1hour 39mins12secs.

O'Grady went into the 50-lap final stage around Holborn, London, with a commanding lead of 46 seconds.

He never looked in any danger with his Gan team-mates, including Boardman, controlling the race.

Britain's Matt Illingworth raised the tempo and won the #1000 Anniversary Sprint prize after 40 miles.

However, there was no real threat from the Yorkshireman. In the final lap Boardman made a break which split the field of riders.

The plan was for another O'Grady stage victory, but on the final bend he pulled a foot from the pedal and the chance was gone.

After the race, O'Grady said: ''Its a great feeling and our team put in another awesome ride.

''We owed it our team leader, Chris Boardman, who has worked so hard all week.'' Results:

1. J.Sweet, BigMat Auber, 1hr39min 12; 2. D McKenzie, Australia; 3. A Korff, Festina; 4. C Lillywhite, GB; 5. M Backstedt, Gan; 6. S OGrady; all same time.

Over-all: 1. S OGrady, Gan, 27hrs17min53; 2. C Boardman, Gan, 27:18:39; 3. D Baranowski, US Postal Services, 27:18:50; 4. N Stephens, Festina, 27:19:7; 5. T Hamilton, US Postal, 27:19:25; 6. C Dacruz, BigMat, 27:19:26; 8. C Newton, Team Brite, 27:19:45.