YOUR report today on Aberdeen City Council's equal opportunities form contained a touching description from the Commission for Racial Equality on why they advised the council to differentiate between ''white'' people in general and ''Irish'' people in particular. It is apparently to do with discrimination.

The thought crossed my mind that the CRE (or someone) should take early and positive action against the discrimination being shown towards the ethnic group known as the North Lanarkshire Council Tax Payers. Clear evidence of such discrimination by the (knuckle dragging?) elected representatives of that group was reported elsewhere in your paper that day. Four million quid is a lorra discrimination in anyone's book, unless of course the councillors will be digging into their own pockets to find it.

Peter J Duffy,

187 Maxwell Avenue, Glasgow.

June 1.

''MISINFORMATION be it explicit or inferred'' (implied may be the word he is searching for) ''is fundamentally dishonest'' - thus spake Harry McGuigan, leader of North Lanarkshire Council (Letters, June 2).

Is this the same Councillor McGuigan who on his own admission misinformed the press in regard to the recent Internet pornography scandal in North Lanarkshire involving one of his colleagues? If this is in fact the same Mr McGuigan then let us all be thankful that we have at least one politician publicly admitting that he is fundamentally dishonest.

Derek Fleming,

3 Church Street, Uddingston.

June 2.