AYRSHIRE faced up to more job losses when Kelco announced yesterday it was shedding 62 staff from its 232-strong workforce as part of a restructuring plan at its Girvan plant.

Kelco, which produces alginates used in foods, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and paper products, insisted the cuts were necessary to safeguard the remaining 170 jobs and remain competitive.

Plant manager Alan Wolstenholme also revealed an additional 36 temporary contracts would not be renewed.

Around 20 of the losses will come from early retirement and a broad range of redundancy packages will be offered to soften the blow.

The area's MP, George Foulkes, is due to visit the factory on Saturday morning to discuss the situation with senior management and will seek reassurances that the company's long-term future in the area remains secure.

Last night he said: ''I am very concerned at the effect in an area where unemployment is already very high. However, I am assured the restructuring is necesary to make Kelco more competitive.''