A change in the law was demanded yesterday to help a Scottish island community deal with an epidemic of homelessness.

Orkney is said to be facing a social crisis described as worse than in many of Scotland's urban areas.

Next week, a councillor will ask colleagues to follow the example of the Scilly Isles in seeking far tougher residency rules for incomers seeking emergency housing.

Mr Cyril Annal said families from outwith Orkney were being granted council homes after living in the islands for as little as six months.

He claimed some of the families were bringing unwanted social problems with them, yet the council was legally obliged to provide emergency accommodation if they became homeless.

The Council of the Isles of Scilly was recently successful in seeking a change to English housing legislation, so that people have to be resident in the islands for at least two and a half years before qualifying for emergency accommodation.

Mr Annal said he wanted Orkney to be granted a similar residency period.

A report by Mr John Richards, Orkney Islands Council's assistant housing director, will be discussed by councillors next week.