LEADING gay activist Peter Tatchell has made a fresh call for the age of consent for all sexual activities to be reduced to 14.

His demand comes ahead of an amendment to the Crime and Disorder Bill in Parliament to be tabled by Labour MP Ann Keen which seeks to reduce the age of consent for gay men from 18 to 16, bringing it into line with guidelines laid down for hetrosexual relationships.

The 46-year-old Australian, who claims to have been involved in more than 1000 civil disobedience protests in the 29 years he has been campaigning for lesbian and gay human rights, said he expected MPs to vote ''massively in favour'' of Ms Keen's motion later this month.

Mr Tatchell, who is involved with the campaigning group, OutRage!, told The Herald: ''Once we have won the battle for 16, OutRage! will push forward its campaign to get the age of consent reduced to 14 for both hetrosexual and homosexual relationships.''

However, his demand brought an angry riposte from Church leaders. Mrs Ann Allen, convener of the Church of Scotland's Board of Social Responsibility, said: ''We would be 100% opposed to lowering the age of consent to 14. It would give entirely the wrong message to adolescents and would put enormous pressure on young people who are not at the point of wanting to be sexually active.''

Father Tom Connelly, spokes-man for the Catholic Church in Scotland, said: ''Our position on this matter is quite clear. We believe any sexual relationship outwith marriage is wrong at any time irrespective of age.''

Mr Tatchell said: ''OutRage! believes the age of consent should be reduced to 14 for everyone both gay and straight.

''Nearly half of all teenagers have their first sexual experience by the age of 16. Most after the age of 14. For this reason 14 seems the fairer and more realistic age of consent. Our motive is to reduce the criminalisation of young people who have consenting relationships. We also want to remove the legal obstacles to earlier and more explicit sex education in schools.''

He pointed out that 12 European countries now had an age of consent of 14 or lower and claimed that in the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, and Malta the age of consent was effectively 12 for both hetrosexual and homosexual relationships.

Mr Tatchell, who was in Glasgow last night, added: ''OutRage! wants the reduction in the age of consent to be backed up by better quality and franker sex education in all schools.''