SCOTTISH Labour's mania for all things football is confirmed in the latest edition of Westminster MPs' Register of Interests published yesterday.

Among those who accepted hospitality to watch the tense England-Scotland game at Wembley last November were Chancellor Gordon Brown (who attended the first match at Hampden), Scottish Secretary John Reid, and Paisley South MP Douglas Alexander.

The big clash at Hampden was also attended by SNP leader Alex Salmond.

Some 17 other MPs accepted tickets to watch football matches, including Motherwell Labour MP Frank Roy. A number were also given season tickets, such as Dumfries Labour MP Russell Brown.

Another 17 MPs also listed their free attendance at international rugby matches, including Mr Brown and Dr Reid.

Among those who accepted free tickets to Wimbledon was Tory Party chairman Michael Ancram.

A small number of MPs graced the race course.

Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, a keen horse fancier, ''received occasional hospitality at a number of race courses'' while Tory leader William Hague and his wife Ffion were feted at the Grand National.

Mr Salmond was a guest at last year's Open Golf Championship at Carnoustie.

No fewer than 13 MPs, including Foreign Office Minister Peter Hain, were invited to the British Grand Prix at Silverstone last summer.

Meanwhile, in the spirit of Cool Britannia, an impressive 12 MPs, including such diverse figures as LibDem leader Charles Kennedy and Energy Minister Helen Liddell, attended gratis last year's pop music Brit Awards.

MPs also accepted invitations to clay pigeon shooting, the opera, the ballet, the Millennium Dome and the Chelsea Flower Show.

However, the member who has accepted more freebies than any other, accepting the full gamut of hospitality offered him on 16 occasions from guest invitations to international football, rugby and cricket matches to a performance of Antony and Cleopatra at Shakespeare's Globe in London, is Kent Labour MP Derek Wyatt.

Gifts to MPs included a chess computer, watches, cases of wine, Cuban cigars, oriental rugs, children's coats and a Harrods Christmas hamper.

Coatbridge and Chryston MP Tom Clarke received from his local Drumpelier Golf Club a set of crystal glasses, engraved with the Burns verse ''A man's a man for a' that'', after opening its new extension.

Among the celebrated columnists are the SNP's Roseanna Cunningham, who gets up to #20,000 for her weekly piece in the Scottish Mirror. But her fee pales beside that of George Galloway, Labour MP for Glasgow Kelvin, whose payment for his regular column in the Mail on Sunday is between #60,001 and #65,000.

The king of the remunerated directorships is Tony Baldry, the former Conservative Shipping Minister, MP for Banbury near Oxford and freemason, who lists no fewer than 12.

Over the past 12 months, ex-PM John Major, now with more time on his hands, listed several overseas business lectures from Strasbourg to Saudi Arabia, while Peter Mandelson before his elevation to the post of Ulster Secretary listed 13 foreign trips from Cape Town to Colorado.

Mr Hague listed several air flights, including the use of a plane to travel the US courtesy of Scottish donor, millionaire businessman Irvine Laidlaw.

His use of Lord Archer's private gym ended in November following the peer's fall from grace.

Shadow Home Secretary Ann Widdecombe revealed she got #100,000 for writing a novel while Mr Kennedy listed the people who collectively donated #20,000 to his successful leadership campaign.

Among the more bizarre entries were those of: Janet Anderson, Lancashire Labour MP, who last April accepted entry to two nightclubs and a bar ''for daughter and friends for 18th birthday celebration''; front bench Tory Nigel Evans is a complimentary member of top London disco spot Stringfellows and Mansfield MP Alan Meale is the parliamentary consultant of the Stand By Me Club devoted to soul music and ''promotion of the song Stand By Me, especially the recorded version by Ben E King and/or Kenny Lynch''.

Entries often give an inkling of an MP's background. For example, ex-Tory Minister Nicholas ''Fatty'' Soames is a director of the very English Wiltons Restaurant and is a leading light of The Game Conservancy, Tyburn Angling Society, South of England Hound Show and East Grinstead Target Shooting Club.

Perhaps the most immodest entry is from Tory MP and former diplomat John Whittingdale, who received a gift of pottery ''from the Chinese Minister of Defence after giving him a conducted tour (in Chinese) of the Palace of Westminster''.