Scottish amateur strokeplay championship

In a dramatic climax to the Bone Steel Scottish Open Amateur Strokeplay Championship at Letham Grange yesterday, West Linton's Simon Mackenzie emerged victorious from a sudden- death play-off with Barry Hume of Haggs Castle.

The leading duo marched down the eighteenth locked at nine-under-par. After nervous first putts, both players regained their composure to make par and take the championship to a sudden death play-off.

However, it was Mackenzie, the former Scottish Amateur Champion, who birdied the first extra hole to finally stave off the brave challenge of overnight leader Hume, who could only manage par.

For Mackenzie, it was a sweet victory after twice finishing runner- up in the event.

''I'm delighted,'' the 30-year-old said afterwards. ''I've been pretty close in this tournament before, so it was good to finally win it.''

In the other placings, current order of merit leader Steven O'Hara of Colville Park shared third place with Denmark's Anders Hansen.

Last year's runner-up, Mark Loftus, of Cowglen, finished in a tie for fourth. Leading final scores:

278 - S Mackenzie (West Linton) 73, 64, 70, 71; B Hume (Haggs Castle) 68, 68, 69, 73. MacKenzie won play-off 3 to 4. 283 - S O'Hara (Colville Park) 71, 67, 74, 71; A Hansen (Denmark) 66, 71, 73, 73. 284 - M Loftus (Cowglen) 67, 77, 70, 70; E Forbes (Turriff) 69, 70, 72, 73; G Fox (West Kilbride) 72, 65, 70, 77. 285 - S Horne (Tulliallan) 78, 65, 73, 69; M Cocking (Australia) 76, 63, 75, 71. 286 - S Carmichael (Cardross) 75, 65, 72, 74. 287 - M Fraser (Australia) 74, 65, 75, 73; A Rasmussen (Denmark) 72, 65, 74, 76.

nDumfries and Galloway golfer Claire Smith claimed victory in the Ladies Golf Union Medal finals at sun-drenched Crieff yesterday, writes Scott Crockett.

The 11-handicapper returned a net score of 67 in the top division to win the Gold Medal by two shots from Cowglen 12-handicapper Jane Gravil.

Host club golfer Jackie Clifford won the Bronze Division with a net 65. Leading scores:

Silver Division (net scores):

67 - C Smith (Dumfries and Galloway, 11).

69 - J Gravil (Cowglen, 12).

71 - A Ramsay (Kirriemuir Players, 10).

Bronze Division (Net scores):

65 - J Clifford (Crieff Ladies, 19).

68 - M Murray (Grangemouth, 24).

71 - P Faulds (Dullatur, 23).