A YOUNG girl who has claimed that as many as 25 men sexually abused her yesterday ended 10 days of evidence, with the gratitude of the judge at the High Court in Edinburgh.

Lord MacLean told the 11-year-old: ''I must thank you on behalf of the court for the patience you have shown in answering all counsels' questions.''

The girl has been sitting in a side room at the court, clutching a doll and accompanied by a social worker, while telling her story to the jury through a closed-circuit television link in a courtroom closed to the public.

The court was told that at various stages in the investigation which brought the case to court the girl has named 25 individuals who, she claims, forced her to commit sex acts.

Six of them are facing allegations of serious offences against the girl and her brother, who is now eight years old.

The trial was interrupted later yesterday, as the girl's brother began to give evidence.

The boy, using the same closed-circuit television link as his sister, began by chatting happily to Lord MacLean about football and television programmes.

The young Celtic supporter booed Jamie Gilchrist, the prosecutor, when he revealed they had supported different sides during the recent Scottish cup final.

But as soon as the questioning turned to alleged offences against him, the boy looked away from the camera and began to sob.

Before he could continue, the jury was sent away for the day while lawyers and the judge considered a separate matter outwith their presence.

The accused deny a catalogue of sex offences at addresses in Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway, between August 1992 and August 1998.

On trial are Mr William Wilson, 38, of Loudon Road West, Newmilns, and Mr Peter Cairns, 40, of Manse Brae, Ochiltree, Mr David Wilson, 36, of Bridge Street, Galston, Mr Garry Wales, 37, of Wallace Street, Galston, all Ayrshire, and Mr Timothy Harris, 39, from Stoke on Trent, whose address has been given as a solicitor's office in Ayr. Also charged is Mr Ronald McCarlie, 45, of Carlie House, Gatehouse of Fleet.

During her evidence, the girl has described how after school she was taken to different houses where she would be made to strip.

The trial continues.