With home ideas being thrown around like there's no tomorrow in interior design land, there is absolutely no excuse for boring bathrooms. Since everyone's into ''theming'' at the moment, we have covered every theme going.

The let's relive our childhood theme.

This means a Superman shower curtain, bath-toys galore and primary coloured bath tiles. And jelly beans in the

toilet seat.

Jenners, (pounds) 110

The off the wall and on the edge theme. Razor blades in your toilet seat IS taking things too far. If you want to spend lots of your time talking about your bathroom this is a sure way to achieve your desire. Could be teamed with black walls and barred jail windows, but thankfully doesn't have to be.

Jenners, (pounds) 110

The glam disco diva theme.

To accompany your spangly seat, get one of those mirror balls and a waterproof stereo and have a hairbrush to hand at all times, allowing you to mime to Barry White .

Room 2, (pounds) 70

The aquatic theme. Okay, I admit it, I've been collecting drift wood and seaweed for the past six months to complete my own shipwreck bathroom development . . .

Room 2, (pounds) 70

The conservation area theme. For those miracle workers who can keep plants alive in the bathroom. Frog toilet seat would look great in a lush, well lit, hint-of-green bathroom.

In House, (pounds) 110

The ''I'm a rock-hard bachelor theme''. To go with your funky denim toilet seat you'll be needing neutral shaded tiling and loads of mirrors, which are actually doorways to secret cupboards housing all the cosmetics men claim they never use. Secret's out, posers.

John Lewis, (pounds) 39

Compiled by Abigail Wild