September 12, 1938

n THE Herald reported: ''Members of Glasgow Corporation have shown a keen interest in the allegation of Provost Macdonald of Fort William that boarded-out city children had an evil influence on Highland children. As the Corporation of Glasgow are responsible for the boarding out of more children than any other authority in Scotland, it is felt that the remarks of Provost Macdonald are directed mainly at Glasgow children.''

n THE Herald recorded: ''Although it was agreed that there was a need for a more general system of matinees in Scotland at which films that were specially suitable for children would be shown, speakers at a conference dealing with entertainment films for children, expressed the view that even the attendance of children at 'unsuitable' films did not have the effect on juvenile delinquents that was frequently alleged.''

n THE Herald noted: ''At Aberdeen, the other week, the American ambassador asked if the only prospect before youth was a short life carrying a gun.'' The report about the Moral Rearmament Movement stated that he said the organisation ''had offered youth in many lands the chance of enlisting voluntarily under God's order to remake the world''.

n THE Herald also noted: ''A motor lorry equipped with loud-speaker apparatus and manned by a party of Fascist speakers, including Mr W Chalmers Hunter, prospective Fascist candidate for North Aberdeen, was attacked by a hostile mob of more than 6000 people.''