A TINY globe, measuring just two and half inches in diameter and detailing Captain Cook's voyage around the world, is set to fetch more than #1200 at Phillips Auctioneers in Edinburgh, tomorrow.

The pocket-sized papier mache globe was made 165 years ago, at a time when knowledge of world geography was just developing, and details the continents and countries as they were known then.

The shape and names of some countries have changed since Captain Cook's time. Australia is listed as New Holland, Russia is Tartary, while the Americas look a little slimmer - as many parts had still to be discovered.

Likely now to end up in a private collection, in the nineteenth century its owner would have carried it around in his pocket.

Ms Patricia Hess, of Phillips, said: ''The globe was made during the time of the enlightenment, when people were really studying the world and its geography and trying to increase their knowledge. The globe provided a handy reference to these intellectuals.

''We are expecting a lot of interest as it is the ideal collectors piece. Its size means that it is easily displayed in any room, unlike the larger globes we usually have.''