A DECLARATION from the Pope that Protestant Churches are not ''proper'' churches has stung leaders of the Church of England. The report, written by Catholic theologian Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, was authorised by the Pope.

The shame of the matter is that so many people involved in ecumenical union should have imagined that the Church of Rome was somehow willing to sweep aside all her pronouncements over the centuries for the sake of a few handshakes, hugs, and kisses. Few real Protestants will be surprised at the papal declation that their churches are defective and should not be regarded as proper churches. Rome's position has remained unchanged since the Reformation.

It is reported that the Archbishop of Canterbury is ''annoyed'' at the statement. Despite 30 years of ecumenical window-dressing, should he be surprised when Rome appears to be more like her old self? Has he forgotten that in this respect at least the Church of Rome is semper idem after all?

Robert A Penney,

18/4 Thistle Court, Donaldson Street,

Kirkintilloch. September 29.